Valuation of Real Estate
Valuation of Real Estate deals with all types of legal interests arising out of Land and Building which are exchanged for money and therefore entails the phenomena of exchange, scarcity and choice that characterizes a ‘market’ in the economic sense of the term. Property is purchased both for use and investment; however, in both the cases the purchaser measures the expected return or benefits to be received from the property against the investment made.
For various institutions/ entities/ businesses across the spectrum of services or products – corporates or governments, real estate developers or real estate dedicated funds, financial institutions or individual property owners – real estate could be a major holding in their portfolio of assets. The key to judging such holding proportions or patterns of real estate in their spread of portfolio lies in measuring the underlying value of assets of real estate (land and building).
RBSA provides a wide range of Real Estate Valuations and Consulting services to developers, investors, advisors, corporates, government bodies and financial institutions seeking assistance with existing real estate assets, potential acquisitions, new development projects and properties slated for disposition.
We offer a comprehensive range of advisory services to clients helping them to make well informed decisions in every sphere of real estate, by providing detailed understanding of the asset, reliable market research, expert’s opinion etc. We boast of following best market practices, having unparalleled valuation experience and thorough knowledge in the real estate market.
We are proud to be the first Indian Valuation Consulting firm to get Accreditation under the SEBI Regulations for Real Estate Mutual Fund (REMF’s) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT’s).
Our senior management are ‘Members’ of RICS (The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, UK) in India one of the most reputed organizations in Valuation of Real Estate across the world.
RBSA’s service offerings conform to international standards such as the IVS/IAS (International Valuation Standards and International Accounting Standards) as well as the RICS Guidelines.